OnePlus 8 & 8 Pro Oxygen OS 11
OnePlus 8 & 8 Pro Oxygen OS 11

OnePlus 8 & 8 Pro Oxygen OS 11

Which is based off OS 11 and that isn't official yet in fact just last week. Users they asked them to try it out see what they think for themselves, because they said they've been working on something new refreshing and they appreciate feedback. Why change something that's already working pretty well if it isn’t broke don't fix it right. I’m going to walk you through what’s new with oxygen OS 11. Walk you through some of the new changes they’ve done to the ui and what you can expect when it officially gets rolled out to your existing. 

One plus device now I also have to mention that there are certain resemblances to another operating system that shall remain unknown. Actually I will quickly mention that later. So if you have an existing one plus 8 or 8 pro smartphone install it at your own risk personally I’d stick away from it. My personal favorite is inside it actually shows how many times you've unlocked your phone and it leaves a groove on the bar so the more you use your smartphone that clock widget starts moving downwards toward that red area and that's just a gentle reminder saying that you've used your smartphone for way too long you might want to cut back on that a little bit. Which I’m slowly trying to do, so yeah I will say that some of the other clock styles are similar to what you'll find on Samsung devices.

I’m walking you through the new exchange the home screen looks familiar to oxygen os 10 except for the icons they've made it a bit more minimal and consistent with the circular shape across the board the notification shade has been updated as well. They've categorized conversations and your other app notifications which are pretty neat. so it's replacing the iconic slate font that we're used to and I like it perhaps the biggest change. You'll encounter is when you hop into settings as you can see the title is pretty bold and big and this is something that you'll start to notice.

They've shifted the tabs to adjust your basic settings downwards so that you can easily reach them with one hand every icon feature has an outline which looks pretty sweet but I don't mind it as long as it works. One plus primary applications like messenger phone dialer and gallery have received a slight change as well So if you look at the dialer the num-pad is condensed and the spacing is even plus, It's easier to reach versus oxygen os 10.Because there's hourly forecast daily forecast and it's all organized really well not to mention with every new operating system. What one plus has done with OS 11? This isn't the final build yet in fact they still have a lot more to port from the official OS 11 build that Google is currently working on.

So I’m excited to see what the future one plus devices are especially with the new os update and the way how phones are going to be shaping in the next few years. Because while stock android is great. It's clean and minimal think. It's time for change and I think one plus did something bold people might not like it that’s completely fine. I’m not sure if that's a glitch or if that's done on purpose but that is just a little bit odd hopefully the final build can address and fix that issue and lastly I really wish and this is just something that. I’ve been that has been on my wish list for a really long time you see with every android device. There are these really cool developers working on Google apks Google camera mod apks for, those phones to significantly improve the camera experience or the camera quality or the picture quality coming out of those phones. I’ve done a video on that separately. In fact I’ll leave a link down below or you can check it out right over here. It's a huge it makes a huge difference when it comes to image processing, if one plus can only work with those developers to integrate that into their native camera app. I think that would make that would totally change the Smartphone camera industry as a whole, because right now the cameras on one plus phones they’re great I mean the one plus 8 pro has a pretty good camera, but one plus eight is not that great.
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